Monday, October 29, 2012


This place is starting to feel like home.  I am slowly adding things to make this experience that much better.  So finally, after almost three months, here it is:
 This is a one-room.  Literally what it's called, one room.  What I would call a studio apartment. 

This is the entrance to the apartment.  As you can see I also keep my shoes here.  I have no actual closet or armoir, so I stuck them here.  Easy access, especially since no one wears their shoes inside.

 This is what you see when you walk in.  Immediately is the kitchen area followed by where I sleeep.  I'm lucky to have such a big fridge and a toaster oven, microwave, and toaster. 

My "closet" and "desk" area.  In Korea I spend half my time on the floor working on my computer or sitting down crossed legged eating.  See that TV, it doesn't work.  I refuse to pay extra for a monthly cable bill lol.
 My bed!!!  The first month here I slept on the floor.  Now, I have a bed and comfy blankets to make this my escape.  It's so my style too... No pink, no bears, no hearts, no flowers... Just warm colors and candles. 

 Part of my kitchen area that has my appliances.  Two feet away is the actualy area where I prepare meals and wash dishes. 

 My fun-sized kitchen.  

And here is the area I get ready every morning.  Complete with my mess of makeup, hair products, jewlery, my lamp, candles, jump rope, mirror, and whatever random things I can put on my little table. 

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