Saturday, January 26, 2013

Classroom Randomness in December!

One thing I have come to realize is that kids learn best while having fun. Here, we are reviewing body parts and colors.
 Second grade learning how to play Twister.  
 My two first grade angels... They're so stinkin' cute.

 Second grade reviewing colors and numbers.... UNO makes it super fun for them.  They ask me to play ALL THE TIME now. 
 This day I taught first grade how to play "Red Light, Green Light" in order to review colors and teach them key words such as "Go" and "Yield."  Plus, I knew they would love going outside for a change!
 The picture above is one my co-teacher took.  They thought it would be funny to charge at me... 
 On this day, my fourth grade decided that my hair style needed to be updated. 

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