Monday, June 3, 2013

Its been a long time, old friend...

I was reading a blog which a friend recommended to me... Then it hit me.  I have my OWN blog.  And its been about a quarter of a century (obvious use of a hyperbole) since I've written anything! I think that part of me felt a sense of responsibility towards this online journal.  Almost pressure to please the people I was writing it for.  But then it hit me.  This blog isn't just for others; it's for myself.  I had forgotten completely the MAIN reason why I had started this blog. And what is that reason you ask?  So that one day, when I'm old and senile, I can come back to this page among millions of online pages, and remember what I was doing and thinking at this specific moment in time. It doesn't necessarily have to be pretty or happy... Just an honest perception of what I'm experiencing.
So I start this chapter with a quote from a dear, old friend:

"Write hard and clear about what hurts."
-Earnest Hemingway 

So cheers to writing hard and clear about whatever it is I'm thinking at these specific moments in time.  Happiness, joy, sadness, exhaustion, confusion... Everything.  But don't worry.. This won't be a blog dedicated to depressive, hormonal shit... I'm quite positive when it comes to life and enjoying everything that comes along with it.  

Things on my mind at this moment:

  1. The San Antonio Spurs are playing the Heat for the NBA Championship.
  2. The ending to Game of Thrones (HBO) seriously upset me.  I didn't see it coming.  Guess it's my fault for NOT reading the books.
  3. It's getting super HOT super fast in Korea right now. Reminds me of Texas.
  4. I miss my family and friends.
  5. I have really important people coming to judge my open class tomorrow... So I'm kind of nervous.
  6. I had my FIRST tarot card reading EVER.  Said some things that made me super nostalgic about the past. 
  7. I love the school in Korea that I'm teaching at. I'm super blessed to be here.
  8. I can't wait to eat Mexican food in Texas.  Only TWO more months. 
  9. Chipotle ... I'm coming for you.
  10. I need to organize my room. STAT.
  11. I need to brush up on my Korean. No excuses.
  12. Have I mentioned how blessed I feel to live the life I'm living? 

This is what I spent Friday doing.... Climbing rocks at Jeon Bang Waterfall on Jeju-do Island.

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