Friday, August 10, 2012

Work Hard... Party Harder?

 This is us heading to class at 8:00am after breakfast.
 I have class from 8:00am to 5:40pm Monday-Friday with a one hour lunch break.  We're so exhausted by the end of the day.... So we resort to certain forms of entertainment.  & just in case you didn't know, Korean society in general is one of a lot of drinking. 
 Sunday Night 8/5/2012: First night out partying in Korea.
Half Afghan/half Polish Canadian born Evelina is one of the most fun people I've met here.  She stuck her tongue out in this picture and I knew we were meant to be.
 Long story short: We met some random Korean natives on the street and somehow were directed into this hidden karaoke bar.  After two minutes in this private room that they supplied for us, they brought out this tray of free beers and beverages.  One of the most random, fun nights of my life.  Totally unexpected and FREE!  It pays to be a foreigner sometimes!  Here's how our Sunday night went: 
 Your future teachers.

ROUND TWO: Wednesday Night
Random, Random, Random.
Teachers who are already in Korea with our program came to say HELLO!... As I mentioned before, Korea is a drinking society. When in Korea, do as the Koreans.

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