Monday, January 6, 2014

Near the End

Its been a while.  I haven't written anything because I've been busy trying to live out the last few months of my life here in Korea.

A couple months ago I had to make a short video of my time here... It's required by my program.  So here it is!  Just a simple video, with a simple message. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Best 30 Bucks Spent.. Ever

So I bought a used bike... And now I get to discover the distant corners of my little town here in Korea.  I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed exploring.
Yepp, I live here.

18 Days in Texas

Its been a WHILE since I've written anything on here.  In all honesty it's because I've been busy planning for big events in my life.  One of these events was my trip home to Texas. I was fortunate enough to make the trip and see my best friends and family.  I've been back in Korea for almost one month... Yet a day doesn't go by in which I don't think of the beautiful faces I saw.  
My family.  It had been 18 years since the last family portrait.

New family members born while I was away.
 Old friends with new exciting lives.  
My friends: the family you choose for yourself. A mix of my childhood buddies and college friends.  It's funny how amazing people always seem to get along.

The house where dreams are made from.

 Like blood.
 No words.. Just laughs.
Live music and imported beers.

So many pictures. So little time.  I swear this should be a traveling photo blog sometimes...

I think it's important that I also mention the FOOD I ate...

Last lunch with my parents and little sister: steak. 

Hopdoddy's famous cheeseburgers.

A Taco Stop taco from my hometown.

Thanksgiving in August... Because my family is amazing.

Mom's homemade tortillas.

Mom's caldo.


See you in six months 'Merica.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Sometimes you get super lucky and wind up teaching an amazing group of kiddos.  For me, that's my second grade.

As many of you know, I teach English in a small town in the countryside of Korea.  But along with teaching English, I'd like to think that our job title is also that of a cultural ambassador for our native countries.  Today's cultural experience was a sandwich making activity. Many of us have grown up eating PB&J sandwiches and it's nothing special.  If you live in a country like Korea, however, where a small jar of peanut butter will run you at least $7 USD; peanut butter becomes a luxury item.  So why not treat my amazing second grade to something scrumptious and easy to make?
 Busy at work... Fresh bakery bread, peanut butter, strawberry jam, bananas and various fruit gummies.
 The boys. 

My amazing co-teacher helping the girls out with their sandwiches. 

Time to eat! 

증도 엘도라도리조트

Days off from school = Random trip to the beach. Also, the reason for our getting together was to say goodbye to a dear friend, Vivian, who's leaving Korea for a job in Canada.  We love you and know you're going to have a blast!!

We took the morning bus out to the beach and enjoyed the day by taking naps in the sand, sipping on adult beverages, listening to music and eating whatever food we could find. Such a good day.
 Angela and I.
 Angela and Vivian....
 Katy and I.
 The front side of Angela and Vivian.
 We spent a lot of time passing around this gem of a pineapple. 
 Cool sand balls made by small crabs. 
Beach bums for life. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
-Albert Einsten 
 This is dedicated to Ewelina and Katy.  

Ava... Because you seem the happiest when you're surrounded by rolling hills, flowers and any body of water. 
Katy... Because you have such a soft spot for all animals; big, small, gross, creepy, crawly... 


In my province of Jellonam-do, there is a large town by the name of Boseong.  This hidden gem is home to some very famous green tea fields. I've always heard of this place and have seen some pretty cool pictures of the landscape.  I don't think any amount of pictures could have prepared me for the #NaturePorn that is Boseong. Truly the BEST way to spend a day off from work. Thank you, Korean Memorial Day. 
 Alex, Katy, Me & Ava on the deck overlooking the field.
 We hiked all over... And took pictures of EVERYTHING. 
 None of these photos have been edited in ANY way.  Just thought I should make that clear. AND they were taken on my PHONE!
"The Earth has music for those who listen." -George Santanaya

Trails all over. 
 Entrance of green tea fields.