Monday, June 17, 2013


Sometimes you get super lucky and wind up teaching an amazing group of kiddos.  For me, that's my second grade.

As many of you know, I teach English in a small town in the countryside of Korea.  But along with teaching English, I'd like to think that our job title is also that of a cultural ambassador for our native countries.  Today's cultural experience was a sandwich making activity. Many of us have grown up eating PB&J sandwiches and it's nothing special.  If you live in a country like Korea, however, where a small jar of peanut butter will run you at least $7 USD; peanut butter becomes a luxury item.  So why not treat my amazing second grade to something scrumptious and easy to make?
 Busy at work... Fresh bakery bread, peanut butter, strawberry jam, bananas and various fruit gummies.
 The boys. 

My amazing co-teacher helping the girls out with their sandwiches. 

Time to eat! 

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