Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I'd like to dedicate this post to my not-so-baby sister.  She graduates this Friday from high school and unfortunately, because of the distance, I can't be there.  I'm so proud of her and all that she's accomplished this year.  Not only does she graduate with honors, but she's also been accepted to St. Edwards University and will start in the Fall (with a hefty scholarship, I may add).  So I write the following words with the hopes that she'll feel my presence on her special day. 


Dear Sister,

Change can always be scary.  I say this as I write you from the floor of my apartment in Korea (just to put things into perspective). Did I ever think I'd be here? Living in the countryside and teaching adorable kids who speak hardly any English? No. Never.  I didn't even think I had it in me to be in a profession in which I had to be responsible for the education of hundreds of little minds. Point is, life, with its beautiful twists and turns, has a funny way of putting you exactly where you're supposed to be.  Sometimes you may feel lonely.  At times you may feel confused.  But just know that it's okay.  "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." Yes, I just quoted a children's movie... But who cares, these words are rich with wisdom.  Don't be afraid to make new friends; make new memories and have a shit-ton of fun.  College is an amazing time of discovery and self-doubt.  You'll have professors and new friends who will make you think differently and see things from different perspectives. And in the end, you'll be a better, more intelligent person because of it. It's never too late to change who you are, for what you can become. So enjoy what's left of high school... Enjoy this summer with the ones you love... And prepare yourself for the amazing journey you're about to start.  It's only the beginning.  

I love you and am so proud of the young lady you have become.  You have a heart of gold and you're the most loyal friend I have. I'm sorry I can't be there on your special day, but I'm always in your heart... Congratulations on your graduation!!!

Your Big Sis 
The Baby Sister

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