Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jeju-do Island

As many of you know, I'm part of a teaching program that specializes in placing teachers in the rural countryside of Korea (where the help is needed).  As one of the perks of my program, we are taken on a cultural trip every semester to explore a new part of Korea.  This semester's trip was to Jeju, also known as "Korea's Jeju" by many. They flew us out for three days of nonstop tourism. Here are a few pictures of my mini vacation. Enjoy!
 Seongsan Ilchulbong aka 'Sunrise Peak' was the first place we visited.  Fresh off the plane, we had a bus take us on a forty minute trip to this beautiful location.  It was so green and the weather was perfect. It reminded me of magazine pictures that I've seen of Ireland's rolling hills.  Truly remarkable. 
 Katy, Angela and I at Sunrise Peak.
 Staff dinners in Korea have two things present at all times: MEAT and ALCOHOL.  In the brown bottle is Mekju (beer) and in the green bottle we have the very popular Soju (Korean rice liquor, high potency). 
 The next morning (Day 2) we were taken to the Olleh Course.  It's a path along the ocean that shows off a lot of Jeju's dark blue, crystal-clear water. I must also inform youthat Jeju, like Hawaii, is a volcanic island.  So all this dark, beautiful rock is lava rock. 
 Panoramic view of some cliffs on the Olleh Course. 
 Next stop: Jeonbang Waterfall.  This is me after climbing the gigantic rock.  Notice that I'm wearing a skirt and sandals.  Not the most intelligent choice I've ever made.  Had a great time hiking regardless. 

Jeonbang Waterfall
Jeonbang Waterfall from a distance. 
 Next stop: Jusangjeolli's Geomoetric rock formations. 
 Jae and I at the Jusanjeolli Cliffs. 

 Last stop before dinner: Jungmun Beach.
It's tradition for me to take pictures of my feet in the sand at every beach I travel to.  I have pictures like this from beaches in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. 

 Day 3: Jeju's Trick Art Museum.  Here I am, surfing in a dress. Total badass. 
 Trick Art Museum  

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