Tuesday, August 27, 2013

18 Days in Texas

Its been a WHILE since I've written anything on here.  In all honesty it's because I've been busy planning for big events in my life.  One of these events was my trip home to Texas. I was fortunate enough to make the trip and see my best friends and family.  I've been back in Korea for almost one month... Yet a day doesn't go by in which I don't think of the beautiful faces I saw.  
My family.  It had been 18 years since the last family portrait.

New family members born while I was away.
 Old friends with new exciting lives.  
My friends: the family you choose for yourself. A mix of my childhood buddies and college friends.  It's funny how amazing people always seem to get along.

The house where dreams are made from.

 Like blood.
 No words.. Just laughs.
Live music and imported beers.

So many pictures. So little time.  I swear this should be a traveling photo blog sometimes...

I think it's important that I also mention the FOOD I ate...

Last lunch with my parents and little sister: steak. 

Hopdoddy's famous cheeseburgers.

A Taco Stop taco from my hometown.

Thanksgiving in August... Because my family is amazing.

Mom's homemade tortillas.

Mom's caldo.


See you in six months 'Merica.

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