Monday, November 5, 2012

Mission Impossible... Made Possible

If you can't tell by my name, I'm of Mexican descent. Many of the teachers that I work with are very curious about my culture.  They know I'm American, but in their words, "Not typical American."  Definitely not the blonde hair, blue eyes they were expecting!  So of course when asked about the date of my housewarming party (because EVERYONE is expected to host a party once they settle into their new home), I knew immediately that I had to introduce them to both my cultures. 

So here starts the "Mission Impossible" portion of my story.  If you've ever lived in an Asian country, you know that there are certain things that are either nonexistent or very hard to find and are usually expensive.  Among these are tortillas, avocados, cumin, cheese, and butter.

Menu: Pollo picoso, Mexican rice, guacamole, tortilla chips, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, onion rings, and salsa.  For dessert: arroz con leche and buñuelos.  Also some Korean beer, soju, and makoli to keep things Korean.

One of my teacher friends got this shot of me frying up tortilla chips.
The spread.
 Korean family.
 They talked about it for days... I was so happy. 

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