Monday, June 17, 2013


Sometimes you get super lucky and wind up teaching an amazing group of kiddos.  For me, that's my second grade.

As many of you know, I teach English in a small town in the countryside of Korea.  But along with teaching English, I'd like to think that our job title is also that of a cultural ambassador for our native countries.  Today's cultural experience was a sandwich making activity. Many of us have grown up eating PB&J sandwiches and it's nothing special.  If you live in a country like Korea, however, where a small jar of peanut butter will run you at least $7 USD; peanut butter becomes a luxury item.  So why not treat my amazing second grade to something scrumptious and easy to make?
 Busy at work... Fresh bakery bread, peanut butter, strawberry jam, bananas and various fruit gummies.
 The boys. 

My amazing co-teacher helping the girls out with their sandwiches. 

Time to eat! 

증도 엘도라도리조트

Days off from school = Random trip to the beach. Also, the reason for our getting together was to say goodbye to a dear friend, Vivian, who's leaving Korea for a job in Canada.  We love you and know you're going to have a blast!!

We took the morning bus out to the beach and enjoyed the day by taking naps in the sand, sipping on adult beverages, listening to music and eating whatever food we could find. Such a good day.
 Angela and I.
 Angela and Vivian....
 Katy and I.
 The front side of Angela and Vivian.
 We spent a lot of time passing around this gem of a pineapple. 
 Cool sand balls made by small crabs. 
Beach bums for life. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
-Albert Einsten 
 This is dedicated to Ewelina and Katy.  

Ava... Because you seem the happiest when you're surrounded by rolling hills, flowers and any body of water. 
Katy... Because you have such a soft spot for all animals; big, small, gross, creepy, crawly... 


In my province of Jellonam-do, there is a large town by the name of Boseong.  This hidden gem is home to some very famous green tea fields. I've always heard of this place and have seen some pretty cool pictures of the landscape.  I don't think any amount of pictures could have prepared me for the #NaturePorn that is Boseong. Truly the BEST way to spend a day off from work. Thank you, Korean Memorial Day. 
 Alex, Katy, Me & Ava on the deck overlooking the field.
 We hiked all over... And took pictures of EVERYTHING. 
 None of these photos have been edited in ANY way.  Just thought I should make that clear. AND they were taken on my PHONE!
"The Earth has music for those who listen." -George Santanaya

Trails all over. 
 Entrance of green tea fields.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jeju-do Island

As many of you know, I'm part of a teaching program that specializes in placing teachers in the rural countryside of Korea (where the help is needed).  As one of the perks of my program, we are taken on a cultural trip every semester to explore a new part of Korea.  This semester's trip was to Jeju, also known as "Korea's Jeju" by many. They flew us out for three days of nonstop tourism. Here are a few pictures of my mini vacation. Enjoy!
 Seongsan Ilchulbong aka 'Sunrise Peak' was the first place we visited.  Fresh off the plane, we had a bus take us on a forty minute trip to this beautiful location.  It was so green and the weather was perfect. It reminded me of magazine pictures that I've seen of Ireland's rolling hills.  Truly remarkable. 
 Katy, Angela and I at Sunrise Peak.
 Staff dinners in Korea have two things present at all times: MEAT and ALCOHOL.  In the brown bottle is Mekju (beer) and in the green bottle we have the very popular Soju (Korean rice liquor, high potency). 
 The next morning (Day 2) we were taken to the Olleh Course.  It's a path along the ocean that shows off a lot of Jeju's dark blue, crystal-clear water. I must also inform youthat Jeju, like Hawaii, is a volcanic island.  So all this dark, beautiful rock is lava rock. 
 Panoramic view of some cliffs on the Olleh Course. 
 Next stop: Jeonbang Waterfall.  This is me after climbing the gigantic rock.  Notice that I'm wearing a skirt and sandals.  Not the most intelligent choice I've ever made.  Had a great time hiking regardless. 

Jeonbang Waterfall
Jeonbang Waterfall from a distance. 
 Next stop: Jusangjeolli's Geomoetric rock formations. 
 Jae and I at the Jusanjeolli Cliffs. 

 Last stop before dinner: Jungmun Beach.
It's tradition for me to take pictures of my feet in the sand at every beach I travel to.  I have pictures like this from beaches in Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. 

 Day 3: Jeju's Trick Art Museum.  Here I am, surfing in a dress. Total badass. 
 Trick Art Museum  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I just love quotes....

"Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else."
-Judy Garland


I'd like to dedicate this post to my not-so-baby sister.  She graduates this Friday from high school and unfortunately, because of the distance, I can't be there.  I'm so proud of her and all that she's accomplished this year.  Not only does she graduate with honors, but she's also been accepted to St. Edwards University and will start in the Fall (with a hefty scholarship, I may add).  So I write the following words with the hopes that she'll feel my presence on her special day. 


Dear Sister,

Change can always be scary.  I say this as I write you from the floor of my apartment in Korea (just to put things into perspective). Did I ever think I'd be here? Living in the countryside and teaching adorable kids who speak hardly any English? No. Never.  I didn't even think I had it in me to be in a profession in which I had to be responsible for the education of hundreds of little minds. Point is, life, with its beautiful twists and turns, has a funny way of putting you exactly where you're supposed to be.  Sometimes you may feel lonely.  At times you may feel confused.  But just know that it's okay.  "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." Yes, I just quoted a children's movie... But who cares, these words are rich with wisdom.  Don't be afraid to make new friends; make new memories and have a shit-ton of fun.  College is an amazing time of discovery and self-doubt.  You'll have professors and new friends who will make you think differently and see things from different perspectives. And in the end, you'll be a better, more intelligent person because of it. It's never too late to change who you are, for what you can become. So enjoy what's left of high school... Enjoy this summer with the ones you love... And prepare yourself for the amazing journey you're about to start.  It's only the beginning.  

I love you and am so proud of the young lady you have become.  You have a heart of gold and you're the most loyal friend I have. I'm sorry I can't be there on your special day, but I'm always in your heart... Congratulations on your graduation!!!

Your Big Sis 
The Baby Sister

Monday, June 3, 2013


"We didn't send mariachi bands or birthday cards or breakfast in bed." 
-Gregg Popovich

Okay.  I have no clue what this is about.  But I found it hilarious. 

Its been a long time, old friend...

I was reading a blog which a friend recommended to me... Then it hit me.  I have my OWN blog.  And its been about a quarter of a century (obvious use of a hyperbole) since I've written anything! I think that part of me felt a sense of responsibility towards this online journal.  Almost pressure to please the people I was writing it for.  But then it hit me.  This blog isn't just for others; it's for myself.  I had forgotten completely the MAIN reason why I had started this blog. And what is that reason you ask?  So that one day, when I'm old and senile, I can come back to this page among millions of online pages, and remember what I was doing and thinking at this specific moment in time. It doesn't necessarily have to be pretty or happy... Just an honest perception of what I'm experiencing.
So I start this chapter with a quote from a dear, old friend:

"Write hard and clear about what hurts."
-Earnest Hemingway 

So cheers to writing hard and clear about whatever it is I'm thinking at these specific moments in time.  Happiness, joy, sadness, exhaustion, confusion... Everything.  But don't worry.. This won't be a blog dedicated to depressive, hormonal shit... I'm quite positive when it comes to life and enjoying everything that comes along with it.  

Things on my mind at this moment:

  1. The San Antonio Spurs are playing the Heat for the NBA Championship.
  2. The ending to Game of Thrones (HBO) seriously upset me.  I didn't see it coming.  Guess it's my fault for NOT reading the books.
  3. It's getting super HOT super fast in Korea right now. Reminds me of Texas.
  4. I miss my family and friends.
  5. I have really important people coming to judge my open class tomorrow... So I'm kind of nervous.
  6. I had my FIRST tarot card reading EVER.  Said some things that made me super nostalgic about the past. 
  7. I love the school in Korea that I'm teaching at. I'm super blessed to be here.
  8. I can't wait to eat Mexican food in Texas.  Only TWO more months. 
  9. Chipotle ... I'm coming for you.
  10. I need to organize my room. STAT.
  11. I need to brush up on my Korean. No excuses.
  12. Have I mentioned how blessed I feel to live the life I'm living? 

This is what I spent Friday doing.... Climbing rocks at Jeon Bang Waterfall on Jeju-do Island.