Thursday, September 13, 2012

Apology #2

SORRY!... Again!
I'm finally done lesson planning for the semester so I should have more time to update my blog on a regular basis!  The first few weeks in my town have been a roller coaster ride.  I have more to write but will get to it as soon as I can!  Also, sorry for any typos or grammatical errors.  I typed this up in a cafe while stealing wifi.  No internet in my apartment yet!  
Okay, the cafe is closing... Until next time.
P.s. Thank you for all the support, never thought this blog would have this many viewers.. EVER!
-Lupe Teacher


  1. Lupe I absolutely love your blog.. I feel like I'm learning a lot ;) hope you are doing great, god bless you & take care

  2. Thank you, Margelia! It makes me happy that you enjoy reading it! Have a great weekend! :)
