Thursday, September 13, 2012

First Day of School... AKA WWI

So on my first day, September 3rd, I met my first and second graders.  I was stoked!!!  I had planned my introduction and was ready to make English name tags for my students. 
I don't think any amount of orientation could have prepared me for these kids... They definitely tested my patience and sanity.
First Grade: The rowdiest bunch
 Terry's too cool for the camera...
 Daniel, such a sweet face.  Don't let that fool you!
Angela.. She's an angel.
Whoever said that kids from Korea behaved better in the classroom LIED.  
Lesson #1: Kids, no matter from what country, will be kids.  There's no way around it.
Second Grade:
 Jay: I finally met my match. This kid is louder than me!  And if you know anything about me, you can understand what a big deal that is.
 Jerry is Jay's partner in crime.
Tia is the sweetest, most cooperative kid.

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