Thursday, September 13, 2012

We Live... We Learn.

So the first week of teaching was definitely harder than what I expected.  At times I felt like a horrible teacher. I thought my kids didn't want to be in my class and that they didn't understand what I was trying to communicate to them.  It also didn't help that my school was not prepared for my arrival. For some reason they rented out my apartment to someone else and didn't have a place for me to stay.  Another teacher (Jenn) was forced to share her studio apartment with me, a total stranger.  I'll take this opportunity to say thanks to Jenn.  You are awesome!  Thank you for your hospitality. 
Lesson #2: When in Korea, expect your plans to be altered at the drop of a hat.  It's just part of the lifestyle here.
So remember me saying that I sucked at life and teaching?  This was the changing moment for me:  
During the second week of teaching the rowdiest boy in second grade came up to me at the end of class one day and asked if he could stay longer to learn more.  I know this is super simple, but it was so heartwarming. 

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