Monday, October 29, 2012

Chuseok Holiday

September 29- October 3
Chuseok is known as Korea’s Thanksgiving holiday.  Families get together, eat lots of food, and pay respect to their deceased family members by building “altars” and visiting gravesites. Since I’m not Korean and have no close ties to the holiday, I decided to take this as a traveling vacation.  I’ll split this up into four sections: Gwangju, Topmori Beach, Gunsan and Jinju.  Here goes, I’ll let the pictures to do most of the talkingJ.

Day One: Gwangju, Korea
I've been to Gwangju plenty of times.  But on this occasion I had two friends come visit me from up north.  We decided to conquer Mudeung Mountain 무등산.  Here are some sweet shots I got.
 Teacher Emily... Working our way to the top.
Ava and Emily.  The colors in this were so beautiful!

 This is me at the top!  We made it.. The view was gorgeous.
The sun began to set as we were about to leave.  This is one of my favorite shots from that day.
 On our way down I took this.  Gorgeous lighting. 

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