Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bringing Christmas to Korea

One of the hardest things this semester was spending Christmas time away from my loved ones.  I quickly found out that the Christmas "propaganda" that I was accustomed to back home were definitely not a tradition in Korean society.  There weren't many lights up... Christmas trees were seriously lacking... Christmas carols were not playing at any stores... It was truly depressing.

But not to worry... I didn't let that get the best of me.  If anything, it gave me more motivation to make Christmas happen at my school.  After all, every kid deserves to experience the beauty that is Christmas. 

We started with Letters to Santa....
 I think every kid wanted a smart-phone... Oh yeah, and a million dollars...
 Hand-print Christmas tree... Snowflake making... ALL NECESSARY! 
 Did I mention that I purchased a Christmas tree for the classroom?  Here is my co-teacher, Jina, helping with the assembly of our beautiful tree.
 I also have to deliver a VERY special shout-out to my very kind, previous scholar, Brianna Miller.  Because of her surprise package from the States, MANY kids got to experience the taste of candy canes, Twizlers, and more American candy.  It made the experience even more special.  She was also kind enough to send some cards and treats for the teachers... So incredibly sweet. 
 Our Christmas party... 

 Each kiddo received a Santa Claus hat with school supplies and candy inside as a gift.
They also got to try American hot chocolate with marshmallows... They went crazy for the hot chocolate!

 Over 230 kids came through my classroom for the Christmas Party.  It was one of the most exhausting days of my life!  But SO worth it. 

 Our kiddos were climbing the windows to try and get a sneak peak of the decorated classroom for the Christmas party!

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