Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thanksgiving in Korea

Being a cultural ambassador of my country is something that I take rather serious.  When it comes to the idea of exposing my little ones to new things and American traditions, I try my hardest to not only make it fun, but memorable.
 Hand-print turkeys... A tradition in most American classrooms... They had a blast! 

 I think we can all agree that FOOD is one of the most important  things when discussing the topic of Thanksgiving.  There was no way I could prepare an entire meal with my limited resources... But with those available I was able to have a lesson on how to make mashed potatoes.  They were so eager to involved. Cutest thing ever.  

 Did I mention how much they LOVED the mashed potatoes?  

Spending the holidays away from family is never fun.  Luckily, I was blessed to have an amazing group of friends and we got together to celebrate a not-so-traditional Thanksgiving.  We didn't have turkey or pumpkin pie... But one thing that was definitely not lacking is love and appreciation for each other.  

 My mouth is watering as I look at these pictures!
 Macaroni and cheese... I think this is the thing we we MOST excited about.  It truly is about the "small things" in life.
 Post-dinner shenanigans with amazing people.
 Our "recovery" meal the next morning. Epic. 

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