Saturday, January 26, 2013

Getting Cultural...

My teaching program here in Korea offers many opportunities for me to travel and explore the country.  One of these is the Cultural Trip which happens once every six months.  Every teacher in my province of Jeollanam-Do attends and it's an awesome excuse to see each other.

This year we traveled to the Southeastern part of Korea.  This is what I saw and experienced that weekend... :) 
 Food... Always something to look forward to.
 Temple visits...

 Me at the burial mounds of the Silla Dynasty. 
 Amazing bulgogi soup.
 Most beautiful Buddhist temple I've EVER been to... 
 Beautiful Buddha.
 Goddess of Mercy
 View from the top.

 Then we were lucky enough to be taken to Busan.  One of the largest, most beautiful cities of South Korea. Known for its white sand beach: Haeundae. 

 A bit blurry, but this is the entire group.  Wonderful people, delicious food, overall an amazing night. 

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