Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Home Plus > Walmart

First trip to the big local grocery store.  I had to take two pictures because it's so massive.  Interesting note: Walmart unsuccessfully came to Korea a few years back.  Apparently Koreans were very loyal to their local stores and Walmart failed. 
 Home Plus is four stories; three above ground and one below.  Parking is hard to facilitate in Korea because of the lack of space.  Behind Home plus is a parking garage that also goes underground.  Nothing is in the front of the store blocking it from the road.
 Koreans are slightly obsessed with weight control and diet.  Found lots of these in the children's toy section lol.
 Korean culture isn't obsessed like we are about cheese.  Slowly it's being incorporated into everyday life with things like fast food chains and foreign bakeries.  This pack of string cheese however is almost $4.  There's only six sticks in there.  A tad expensive.  I almost gave it and bought it.  Soon enough I'll cave, however. 
 Soooooo, the carts at Home Plus have calorie counters... Just in case you're keeping up with that.
Their carts also have magnets around the wheels to attach themselves to the escalators that take you from floor to floor.  Walmart < Home Plus. 
 Loteria is Korea's McDonald's.

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