Friday, August 24, 2012

Seoul at Night

When staying the night in Seoul you should ALWAYS plan AHEAD.  We learned that the hard way.  The next two pictures are of our rooms at a "Love Motel."  Yes, "Love Motel."  If you don't know what that is, Google it NOW.  We were actually very surprised at how nice the rooms were. 
 In the same room...
 First bathtub I've ever seen in Korea.  No matter how many showers I took, I could never scrub off the dirty feeling I had from staying in a "love motel." But whatever, it was an experience. 
 So after getting ready, we went straight to the corner store and bought some Soju.  Let me begin by saying that I hate Soju.  It reminds me of watered down vodka.  Each bottle is only about $1.00 US dollar.  The bad thing about Soju is that it sneaks up on you twenty minutes after you've already taken five shots of the stuff.  It's also the worst hangover... Or so I hear. 
 This is our group of beautiful girls.  One wonderful thing about Korea is the fact that you can drink in public places!  We walked around with these little cups until we got to our first bar. 
 Seoul is ALWAYS crowded.  I don't think I could live here because there is such a desperate lack of space.  This picture was taken at 1:00am as we were making our way to the bars. 
 Papa Gorilla nigh club.  We stayed here until about 4:30am.  The music was insane!  I think I burned off about ten pounds that night dancing. So. Much. Fun.  One of the craziest, most random nights I've ever had. 

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