Friday, August 24, 2012

Our Last Week in Jochiwon

In case you don't already know, it's monsoon season in Korea.  Therefore, any attempt to look cute is shot to shit.  Just get an umbrella and rain boots; you'll be sure to survive. 
 Monday night. Blame it on the Soju.
 Oh Soju.
 On Tuesday our orientation staff gave us an informal farewell.  Shit got real... lots of emotions were floating around.  Seems we've become a family throughout these last few weeks at orientation in Jochiwon.
 Tuesday night. Damn Soju. This is after the "benches."
 Vivian, our group coordinator made us all friendship bracelets to take home... Love her.
 Thursday morning we got verbal warnings as well as these little sheets.  Apparently we were getting a little too rowdy lol.
 Thursday night pig-out with my favorite girls.  Three pizzas and a box of chicken gone in minutes.
 Looked out of the window during dinner and I see this.  Perfection. 
 Friday's lunch after our closing ceremony in Jochiwon.  Soooo gooood!!!!
 BOOM. Food-1 Lupe-0.

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