Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The "Benches"

Alright, anyone of the 9th generation TaLK scholars who read by blog know what the "Benches" are.  For the rest of you, here goes:  Picture this... I walk out of my orientation dorm at Korea University and walk down a hill for about five minutes to the convenience store that is closest.  Outside of this convenience store are wooden benches that seat approximately 40-50 people.  Every night of the week some of our teachers could be found sitting at the benches, drinking a beer/rice wine/soju.  If not drinking, they would most likely be munching on snacks (since we were always  hungry) or eating some ice cream.  Point is, this place, as simple as it seems, was crucial to our survival of daily lectures.
 Last night at the "Benches" 8/23/2012.
 Soju, mixers, and paper cups. 8/23
 Random pics from August oreintation in Jochiwon.. at the "Benches."

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