Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Orientation and a Typhoon

So it was time to move from Jochiwon and settle into our home for the next six days.  This place, the SBC (Small Business Conference Center), is the the outskirts of Gwangju, the biggest city in our province.  Here, we will be planning lessons and presenting them to our peers and supervisors.  So here I am.  At my laptop, formulating how to teach about the colors under the ocean.
Don't let the pretty building fool you.  It's a symbol of our depression. No A/C, no working tv's, no internet, and bad food.  Luckily we'd get wifi, and some english channels at times, and our supervisor was nice enough to take us out to eat once and feed us junk food when she could tell we were becoming restless. 
These are the trees that were broken by the strong typhoon winds.  We were actually scheduled to go visit a school and have some cultural activities this day, but due to everything being closed and it being dangerous to go out, we stayed in.
 Best Korean food I've had so far.  I LOVE it!!!
 BBQ pork and all the fixins!
 Stuart!  This guy will make the best teacher and father some day. Love this guy. Oh yeah, that's me on the right lol.
 My Korean pork taco.. My new tortilla is a leaf.

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